Development tools : UDTT Perspective : Components : UDTT Project Explorer : Editing options inside operation, flow, and view folders
Editing options inside operation, flow, and view folders
When an operation, flow or view is selected, the possible actions shown in the context menu (takes operation as an example) are shown as:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Opens the Operation editor. If you select several operations, different editor tabs are opened in the perspective. For a single operation selection, the Open action behaves the same as double-clicking on the operation name.
Copy, paste or delete the selected operations (multiple selection is allowed).
When you copy a flow either by selecting the menu option, using CTRL+C or pressing CTRL and dragging the flow to the new location, you will only be allowed to paste it on another Flows folder, either using the context menu Paste option or, using the associated short-key (CTRL+V) or using the drop capability.
The Paste option is only available when one or several operations in this project or any other project in the workspace have been copied to the perspective clipboard. All copied operations are pasted to the same destination folder.
When you delete an operation, you are prompted for confirmation. If you press OK the operation will be deleted from your development environment.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Click Preview. UDTT displays a list of the changes that are going to be performed as immediate consequence of the flow deletion: the files that will be deleted from the system and all required changes to other files in the system.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Note Although you are can uncheck some of the actions that are listed in the Preview view, this is not recommended as this may generate inconsistencies in your development environment.
When selecting the Move option, the Move Resources wizard opens to choose the destination folder.
The Move action can also be done using drag and drop. In both cases, a flow can only be moved to another Flows folder and the origin folder cannot be selected. When selecting several flows, all of them will be moved to the same destination folder.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To verify the actual files that are going to be moved as a result of your action or if there is any problem (for instance, a resource flow with the same name already exists in the destination folder) or check for the references that are going to be affected, click Preview.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The Rename option is only used with a single item. If several operations are selected, the Rename applies to the first operation in the list. The Rename Resource wizard opens to choose the new name. The name must not have an extension.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To verify which item will be renamed, or to see if there might be a problem (for example, an item with the same name already exists in the destination folder), or check for the references that are going to be affected, click Preview.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Note Although you are allowed to uncheck some of the actions that are listed in the Preview view, this is not recommended as may generate inconsistencies in your development environment.
When deleting, moving or renaming flows, the Preview view always shows first the flow refactoring changes (delete, move or rename action on the selected artifact) and then any other required change in the workspace. These additional changes are categorized in two different groups:
Technical Changes group contains the changes to internal tooling files. Although you are allowed to uncheck some of the technical changes that are listed in the Preview view, this is not recommended unless you are an experienced beta developer that understands the tooling technical details. Deciding not to do one or several of the required technical changes may generate inconsistencies in your development environment.
References group contains the references in the workspace to the deleted, moved or renamed flows and all changes that are going to be made to these references if the action is done. The beta developer, in this case, may unselect some of the recommended changes if he wishes to skip them.
After the deletion, move or rename, if a change listed in the Preview view was unselected, it will be shown as a validation error in the Problems view of the workspace.
Generate View (Operation/Flow)
Generates a view from the operation context data. For more information, see Generating an XUI page from context data.
Page Preview (View)
Previews the layout of the page in a web browser.
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UDTT Project Explorer