Development tools : UDTT Perspective : UDTT working set : Defining a UDTT working set
Defining a UDTT working set
Complete these steps to define a UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) working set.
Note This task is only available under the UDTT perspective.
1 Select View Menu > Select working set on the UDTT Project Explorer.
2 Click New.
3 In the New Working Set dialog box, click UDTT, and then click Next.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 Select the items that you want to include in the working set.
In this case, the new Working set ws includes two UDTT projects (GlobalDefinition and a) and one UDTT working set ws1.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The selecting tree for defining a working set contains:
All the available UDTT projects (in the same order as in the UDTT perspective),
All the available UDTT working sets (ordered alphabetically). To prevent users from creating cycles among nested working sets, there are some special situations: Assume there is a working set called workingSet1; workingSet1 includes workingSet2; workingSet2 includes workingSet3.
When editing workingSet1/2/3, this working set itself will not be shown in the tree.
When editing workingSet2, workingSet1 will not be shown in the tree.
When editing workingSet3, workingSet1 and workingSet2 will not be shown in the tree.
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UDTT working set