Development tools : UDTT Search : Searching for UDTT artifacts
Searching for UDTT artifacts
1 From the UDTT Project Explorer Menu Bar, click Search > UDTT…, or Search > Search… and then going to the UDTT Search tab.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Specify the UDTT artifact id.
Type your search string in the Search identifier field you want to find in the workspace. The search process will search for all definitions and references of this identifier in all UDTT projects in the workspace.
Use * to indicate any set of characters
Use ? to indicate any character
Use \ as an escape character for search strings that contain the special characters *, ?, or \.
Instead of typing your search string you can use the pull-down list to select a previously entered search identifier. In that case, all the search options (case sensitive, exact match, artifact types and scope) will appear as they were when searching this id.
3 Select “Case sensitive” and “Exact match” options if necessary.
Check “Case sensitive” check box in case you want the search to take into account upper and lower case.
Check “Exact match” if you want to search for an identifier that is exactly as specified. Otherwise, any identifier containing the entered string will also match the search. As an example, let’s assume there are the following data elements identifiers in the workspace: “MyAccount”, “Account” and “Account10”. Then, the search result will be as follows:
In case of “Account” data element identifier and “Exact Match” checked => Just “Account” will match.
In case of “Account” data element identifier and “Exact Match” unchecked => “MyAccount”, “Account” and “Account10” will match.
In case of “Account*” data element identifier and “Exact Match” checked => “Account” and “Account10” will match.
In case of “Account*” data element identifier and “Exact Match” unchecked => “MyAccount”, “Account” and “Account10” will match.
4 Select the UDTT artifact type to search for.
Select one or more UDTT artifact types in the Search For section. In case more than one type is selected, the search process will look for any artifact corresponding to any of the selected types that are defined or used in the workspace.
For example, if the user searches for MyAccount with no Exact Match and selects Data Elements, Contexts and Operations, the result will include the following:
All the definitions and references of *MyAccount* data elements, such as MyAccount and MyAccount2.
All the definitions and references of *MyAccount* contexts, such as MyAccountContext.
All the definitions and references of *MyAccount* operations, such as MyAccountOperation1, MyAccountOperation2 and IsMyAccountOp.
5 Select the Search Scope.
Search scope functionality is the same as the one existing in Eclipse search.
Choose the scope for your search. You can either search the whole workspace, previously selected resources, projects enclosing the selected resources or pre-defined working sets.
Workspace: it searches in the whole workspace.
Selected resources: it searches in the resources selected previously in UDTT Project Explorer. So, notice that first it is necessary to choose all the resources where you want to do the search and then open the UDTT Search view.
Enclosing projects: if you select some files in the UDTT Project Explorer and then you check Enclosing projects in UDTT Search view, the search result will search in all projects that contain the selected files.
Working sets: it allows to search in specific working sets selected by using the Choose button.
6 Click on Search button.
The search process is performed and the results view displays the results details of your search. They are grouped by project.
When double clicking on a match result, the corresponding file containing this match will be opened and the appropriate artifact will be selected.
Follows an example of artifact id search to search data elements with identifier “sessionData”:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
You can choose the Search view showing the results “as Tree” (by default) or “as List”. Also, you can:
expand and collapse projects
remove matches from the results list
navigate through the matches results (via “Show Next Match” / “Show Previous Match”)
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UDTT Search