Development tools : Keyboard support : Keyboard support in XUI/Page : Access key
Access key
An access key is a single character from the printable character set. A widget can be assigned an access key so that user can immediately jump to the widget by pressing the appropriate access key simultaneously with a modifier key.
Setting access key (shortcut) for widget
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides shortcuts for widget control. Developers can set shortcuts for each widget. And along with hot keys of different browsers, you can access any widget by using the keyboard. The following procedure describes the steps of setting shortcut.
1 Click on the widget you want to set the shortcut.
2 Turn to the properties tab of the widget and set the value of shortcut.
Note For more information about the shortcut property of each widget, you may refer to Widget descriptions.
Access in different browsers
The behavior in different browsers is not unified, because the user of a specific browser is familiar with the operation of that browser and might be confused if the operation is different when using UDTT.
In most web browsers, the user invokes the access key by pressing Alt (on PC) or Ctrl (on Mac) simultaneously with the appropriate character on the keyboard.
Prior to IE8, Alt + Access Key focused on the element, but required Enter to be pressed in order to activate the element. This is still the case for hyperlinks in version 9.
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Keyboard support in XUI/Page