Development tools : Massive build UDTT project : Programmatic build for UDTT projects : BTTBuildTask class : Invoking BTTBuildTask to build a project
Invoking BTTBuildTask to build a project
To invoke BTTBuildTask to build a project, specify the following attributes:
(Mandatory) Specifies the UDTT project name to be built. It is ineffective when you invoke BTTBuildTask to build a set of files. See Invoking BTTBuildTask to build a set of UDTT files for details.
(Mandatory) Specifies the name of the folder that contains the required UDTT tooling resources.
(Mandatory) Specifies the file to record the validation error.
(Mandatory) Specifies the level of the validation to be recorded in the validation ouput file. Specify one of the following values for the validationLevel attribute.
error: the validation error is recorded.
warning: the validation warning is recorded.
empty: the validation error and warning are recorded.
(Optional) Specifies the generator channel. If it is not specified, dojo value is assumed. In case a non-existing channel is set, the BTTBuildTask is not performed and an error is shown in the standard output (and in the output file, if it exists).
(Optional) Specifies whether string values inside an XUI page are read from a global NLS string. The default value is false. If this attribute is set to true and the string values cannot be read from a global NLS string, the generator gives a warning message.
(Optional) Specifies the name of the transaction generator class. The default value is Default Generator.
(Optional) Specifies the name of the file (the .log extension is added automatically) to contain the build results information summary that is also displayed in the standard output. If it is not specified, this information only appears in the standard output. Notice that the standard output displays the build results information summary and any other system messages. However, the output file contains just the build results information. When the BTTBuildTask is performed, if the output file size is less than 1024 bytes, the result is appended in the file. If the output file size is more than 1024 bytes, a new file is created to contain the build results. The original output file is renamed by adding date@time string in the file name.
(Optional) Specifies whether to control an XUI page layout. The default value is false.
(Optional) Specifies the page CSS style. The default value is Claro.
(Optional) Specifies the folder to store web resources. For example, html, js, and jsp files. The default value is WebContent.
There is a udtt_build.xml file located in AntBuildSample that shows how BTTBuildTask must be defined and invoked.
<project default="">\
     <target name="">
          <taskdef name="UDTTBuild" classname="antbuildtask.BTTBuildTask"/>
          <UDTTBuild projectName="${projectName}"
Many projects can be generated by invoking a BTTBuildTask per project:
<project default="">
     <target name="">
          <taskdef name="UDTTBuild" classname="antbuildtask.BTTBuildTask"/>
          <UDTTBuild projectName="${projectName1}" outputFile="logs/TestOutputFile"
               validationOutputFile="logs/TestValidationOutputFile" resourceFolder="${udtt.resource.folder}">
           <UDTTBuild projectName="${projectName2}" outputFile="logs/TestOutputFile"
               validationOutputFile="logs/TestValidationOutputFile" resourceFolder="${udtt.resource.folder}">
           <UDTTBuild projectName="${projectName3}" outputFile="logs/TestOutputFile"
               validationOutputFile="logs/TestValidationOutputFile" resourceFolder="${udtt.resource.folder}">
           <UDTTBuild projectName="${projectName4}" outputFile="logs/TestOutputFile"
               validationOutputFile="logs/TestValidationOutputFile" resourceFolder="${udtt.resource.folder}">
           <UDTTBuild projectName="${projectName5}" outputFile="logs/TestOutputFile"
               validationOutputFile="logs/TestValidationOutputFile" resourceFolder="${udtt.resource.folder}">
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BTTBuildTask class