Development tools : Massive build UDTT project : Programmatic build for UDTT projects : BTTBuildTask class : Execution Environment
Execution Environment
Complete the following steps to create an environment where you can execute a UDTT build programmatically outside Eclipse:
1 Locate the Ant task package in the UDTT installation code (samples\
2 Unzip the file to your computer
3 Run the following command:
ant_path\ant -f ant_build_sample_path\prepare_env.xml
UDTT_path -Doutput.root=build_path
ant_path is the directory where the ant command is located
ant_build_sample_path is the directory where you unzipped the file
UDTT_path is the root directory of the UDTT installation
build_path is the directory to use as your build environment
When the steps are complete, the build_path directory contains the following files and folders:
libs: Contains all UDTT/Eclipse and third-party libraries required by the UDTT Ant task. If you have extended the UDTT tooling with plug-ins, you must copy those plug-ins to this folder.
udtt_build.xml: Example that explains how to use the UDTT Ant task.You can use this file in the following ways:
Import the file into a build script and use it to build a UDTT project.
Copy the UDTT Task definition script from the file into your own build script.
first_step.bat: Script that adds all required libraries to the Java classpath. Execute this script before you execute the Ant build script.
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BTTBuildTask class