Development tools : Multi-project development : Configuring the development environment to support multi-project structure on Application Server Liberty profile
Configuring the development environment to support multi-project structure on Application Server Liberty profile
Multi-project structure is supported on Liberty profile V22 in the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit version 10.4 and later, Liberty profile V8.5.5 in the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit versions 9 and 10, and the UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit V8.2.x.
To configure the development environment for supporting multi-project structure on Liberty profile, complete the following tasks:
Configure project facets
1 In the Project Explorer, right-click the project, and then click Properties.
The Properties window opens.
2 Clear WebSphere Web (Co-existence) and WebSphere Web (Extended).
3 On the Runtimes tab, select WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, and then click OK.
Open the server.xml file
1 On the Server tab, double-click the Server Configuration node to open the server.xml file.
2 If the Server Configuration page, which is the graphical user interface of server.xml, is not displayed, click the Design tab.
3 The Server Configuration navigation tree is displayed in the Configuration Structure pane.
Create the shared library of the server
1 In the Server Configuration navigation tree, click Server Configuration, and then click Add on the right side of the Server Configuration navigation tree.
The Add Item window opens.
2 Select Shared Library, and then click OK.
The shared library is created in the server configuration.
3 Click Shared Library in the Server Configuration navigation tree, and then enter an ID, such as "lib", for the shared library.
Enter an ID for theshared library.
Create the filesets for the shared library
1 Click Shared Library if it is not selected, and then click Add on the right side of the Server Configuration navigation tree.
The Add Item window opens.
2 Select Fileset from the list, and then click OK.
A fileset is created for the shared library.
3 If you need to create multiple filesets, repeat step a and b.
4 Define each fileset that you created by selecting the fileset and then defining the attributes in the Fileset Service Details pane.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Configure the classloader of each EAR file
1 In the Server Configuration navigation tree, click an EAR file, and then click Add on the right side of the Server Configuration navigation tree.
The Add Item window opens.
2 Select Classloader from the list, and then click OK.
A classloader is created for the selected EAR file.
3 Click Classloader if it is not selected, and then click Add on the right side of the Library references field.
4 Select the shared library that you created above.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Add the jaxws-2.2 feature for the server
1 Click Feature Manager in the Server Configuration navigation tree.
2 Click Add next to the Feature field.
3 Select jaxws-2.2 and then click OK.
The jaxws-2.2 feature is added.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Configure the WebServices server
1 Open the btt.xml file.
2 Click the settings tab.
3 In the navigation tree in the General Information pane, click WebServices > servers > esbHost.
4 In the value field, enter your WebServices address.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Multi-project development