Development tools : Web services tooling : WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
This section provides a brief description of UNICOM Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) and provides a description of the prerequisites for retrieving a WSDL file from WSRR.
WSRR is a metadata repository for service descriptions, including Web service descriptions, and it provides both registry and repository functions. WSRR also supports the governance of service definitions, and acts as a central point from which WSDL files can be retrieved. If you require more information on WSRR, refer to:
The UDTT Web services tooling allows you to select and retrieve a WSDL file from WSRR.
Before you retrieve a WSDL file from WSRR, you must specify the WSRR host address and port number in IBM Rational Application Developer. The procedure in this section describes how to set your WSRR preferences.
To set your WSRR preferences, do the following steps:
1 In Rational Application Developer, click Window > Preferences.
2 In the navigation pane of the Preferences window, click UDTT > Transaction Editor > WSRR Preferences.
3 In the Host field of the WSRR Preference panel, enter the WSRR host address.
4 In the Port field, enter the port number for WSRR.
5 Optional: In the WSRR alias field, enter an alias for WSRR.
6 Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for WSRR.
7 Click Test Connection to test whether the values you specified in the Host and Port fields are valid.
8 Click Apply, and then click OK.
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Web services tooling