Development tools : Web services tooling : Reference : Input fields in the Web services tooling wizards : Input fields for the New Web Services Connector wizard : Generate Web Services Client page
Generate Web Services Client page
The Web services client is the application that is used to invoke Web services.
Source Folder
The folder in which the Java classes of the Web services client will be generated. The Java classes of the Web services client are used to invoke Web services.
Target Package
The package under the folder you specified in the Source Folder field that stores the Java classes of the Web services client. If you do not specify a target package, the Java classes will be stored in the default package under the folder you specified in the Source Folder field.
Generate portable client
This checkbox is selected by default. Accepting the default Generate portable client selection will allow you to copy the WSDL file that you require to another workspace.
Enable MTOM
Enabling MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) optimizes the transmission of messages between the Web services requester and the Web services provider.
JAX-WS Version
The version of JAX-WS used to create the Web services client. JAX-WS is an abbreviation for Java API for XML Web services, and it is a technology that is used to create both Web services and Web services clients.
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Input fields for the New Web Services Connector wizard