Development tools : Web services tooling : Reference : Input fields in the Web services tooling wizards : Input fields for the New Web Services Connector wizard : Derive Self-defined Operations page
Derive Self-defined Operations page
Note This page is used only if you are creating a Web services connector for an automatically generated self-defined operation.
Service Definition
The location of the WSDL file that is used by the Web services connector and the Web services access operation to invoke and implement Web services.
Operations list
A list of the Web services operations that are described in the WSDL file. From the Operations list, select the Web services operation that you want to invoke. A UDTT self-defined operation will then be automatically generated. This automatically generated self-defined operation is required to use the Web services operation you selected from the Operations list.
Generated data will use typed data
Typed data are data elements that represent business objects such as Date, Account, and Money. Typed data elements use property descriptors to describe the business object they represent. For example, a property descriptor for a data element of type Money would refer to the single instance of the type Money. Property descriptors use parameters in the form of key-value pairs to add attributes to the type, set attributes as mandatory, or specify an initial value for an attribute. For example, an Account instance must have an account number. The descriptor for the account number field uses the isMandatory="true" key-value pair to indicate this. Non-typed data elements do not have property descriptors.
If you require the automatically generated self-described operation to use typed data, accept the default Generated data will use typed data check box selection. If you do not require the automatically generated self-described operation to use typed data, clear the check box.
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Input fields for the New Web Services Connector wizard