Development tools : Global functions : List and Table category : getDataValueFromCollection
Returns the value of specified data element by given key from given DataCollection.
Client side: N
Server side: Y
getDataValueFromCollection(collection, key)
An object of DataCollection, it can be KeyedCollection or IndexedCollection.
An object of String, specifies the data element in the collection, it can be a simple key or composite key.
Returns an Object, which is the value of specified data element by given key from given DataCollection.
The example returns the value of the "accountId" field in the "accountA" collection. The "accountA" contains two field: "accountId" and "accountAmount", as shown in the following kColl structure definition:
  <field>accountId: '1001'
  <field>accountAmount: 1000.25
getDataValueFromCollection(accountA, "accountId")
returns String "1001".
You can use the following two methods to use the form widget with the repetitive panel:
Put a form outside of the repetitive panel: if selection function is enable, and a row is selected, the content within the selected row and the content outside of the repetitive panel but inside the form will be submitted.
Put a form within the repetitive panel: there is a form in every generated panel. Submit on a certain panel will only submit content in the form of that panel.
Embedded forms, which are a form placed within another form, are not supported.
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List and Table category