Development tools : Transaction editor : Drawing flows in the flow editor : Setting data mappings to states or transitions : Editing data formatter : Reordering the mappings
Reordering the mappings
This section describes how to define the execution sequence of data mappings.
You can define several mappings associated to either an Output Mapping or an Input Mapping. These mappings will be sequentially executed at runtime according to the list order of mappings on the mapping table. In order to change the order of execution of already defined mappings, the Mapping Editor provides drag and drop capabilities.
1 Click the data mapping or Condition you want to relocate from the mapping table.
2 Drag it to the new position in the mappings list. The black line stands for two situations.
If the line vertically parallels with the upper-level element, it is in the same level as the upper-level element. In this case, the mapping would be in the same level as mapElseIf and executed no matter whether mapElseIf would happen or not.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
If the line vertically parallels with the lower-level element, it is in the same level as the lower-level element. In this case, the mapping would be under mapElseIf and executed only if mapElseIf would happen.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
There are some rules when reordering data mapping:
You need to make sure data mappings at the same level have different Mapping targets.
You need to follow the restrictions on valid Condition group.
In Conditional mappings, when the data mapping or nested Conditions are hidden, they would be moved with the Condition.
Data mappings in RefFormatter cannot be edited or reordered.
Use CTRL+Z to undo the previous operation, or CTRL+Y to redo it.
3 Click OK.
The data formatter is saved into the Transaction file and can be viewed in the Format tab of the Transaction editor.
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Editing data formatter