Development tools : Transaction editor : Using the editing options
Using the editing options
This section contains an overview of editing options in the pop-up Edit menu in Transaction editor, including Undo, Redo, Delete, Cut, Copy, and Paste options.
These editing options are used to deal with operation, context, service, type, data and their children in Flow or Operation editor. Some children may be mutually exclusive, so it is forbidden copying or moving one of them into the parent which holds the other. Except that, they are all allowed to go through the same process of copying, moving and deleting.
Note In Flow editor, a flow which is in a graphic view has multiple transitions and states. These children can also be copied, moved, or deleted by Ctrl+c, Ctrl+x, or Delete.
No matter when editing elements in a specific flow or operation, or when editing common elements for the project or workspace, you could right-click on any blank space in the relative editor and launch the Edit menu.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Copying and moving elements
Deleting elements
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Transaction editor