Development tools : XUI editor : Editing an XUI page : Editing the properties of a table : Setting Tooltip of Table cell
Setting Tooltip of Table cell
This page introduces how to set the tooltip of a specific table cell, including its position and bound data.
The hint property of table widget would be displayed as the tooltip of the whole table. For a specific table cell, you can set its tooltip in Column properties.
1 In Columns section, click the column you want to show the tooltip and check Show Tooltip.
When Show Tooltip is checked, the following two properties would be appeared.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select the Tooltip Position in Position property.
There are four Options:
right (default)
When Tooltip may go beyond the screen, it would be automatically positioned on the opposite side. For example, assume the Tooltip Position is set 'left'. When the mouse is hovered over the far right cell, there is no enough space to show tooltip on the left of the cell. Then the tooltip will be shown on the right.
3 Bind the context data in Tooltip property. It would be displayed as Tooltip content.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The tooltip of a table cell would be like:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Editing the properties of a table