Extending : Client State Extension : State Appearance customization : Customizing state appearance of Client State : Figure customization
Figure customization
Alpha developers can develop a new figure class in case it is necessary to create a different one from the figure provided by UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) (StateFigure). This can be done via a new attribute called “figure” in the extension point com.ibm.btt.tools.transaction.dominate.palette for states.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To do that, there are three different options. They are:
Extend from StateFigure (see PrinterFigure in the picture). This option should be chosen in case small changes are necessary from the UDTT figure.
Create a new class, subclass of draw2D Shape class. It must implement IStateFigure interface. (See EllipseFigure in the picture),
Extend from AbstractStateFigure, that is an abstract class provided by UDTT with default implementation of IStateFigure methods. (See RhombusFigure in the picture)
PrinterFigure, RhombusFigure and EllipseFigure are included in UDTT Sample code in StatesAppearanceCustomizationSample (refer to State Appearance Customization Sample).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
For more information, see Related Class of Figure customization.
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Customizing state appearance of Client State