Extending : Common Condition Extension : Infrastructure to support version control : Default behavior of product
Default behavior of product
During save condition definition file from condition dictionary editor:
If the “server” option was selected, generate transaction.xml under the /src/defintions folder, the file’s content will following the description at runtime section.
If the “client” option was selected, generate condition.js under the /WebContent/js/condition/ folder, the files content will following the description at client section
For condition stored at common/global project, end user should create building script (use “ant” script for example) by himself for build condition.xml and condition.js files at correct position, for example:
For common/global project, if it’s a simple java project but it include “client” condition definitions, end user should create building script to put the generated java script into corrected web project.
For web type common/global project, if it include “server” condition definitions, end user should create building script to put the generated xml file into correct runtime library file
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Infrastructure to support version control