Extending : Common Condition Extension : Sample implementation of version control : Run the sample
Run the sample
Tooling part
(Please first make sure you have installed the plugin and start your Eclipse with –clean before you try the following functions)
For every time you save a condition in editor, the version manager will:
1 Remove the previous last version of JS of this project.
2 generate the new JS file.
3 Update the version information to conditions_version.conf.
4 Re-generate conditions_version.js.
Sample part
1 Deploy all the 3 projects to WAS or Tomcat;
2 Run it in browser: http://localhost:8080/LocalWeb/EstablishSession
3 The first Page:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
As design, the condition file will only be loaded at the first time you start the application. And you can watch the version of the condition file at the console of browser:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 The second Page:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In this page we will use the common condition via ECA.
You can find the condition definitions at
Please note that project 30_LocalWeb will import the conditons defined in 10_GlbDefs
And you can change the field in this page to try it.
5 The last page:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Just before this page, we will use same condition in conditional mapping at server side, you can find the definition at:
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Sample implementation of version control