Extending : Common Condition Extension : Extension key points in samples : Tooling extension : The process steps in Versioning Manager implementation
The process steps in Versioning Manager implementation
VersionManagerTimeStamp implements IVersionManager, and there are four methods in this interface:
Method isDirty, check if file has been changed.
We just return true in this step since we need to generate the Condition JS every time we save the model file.
Method getOutputPath, get file's output path base on project
We will read condition.conf(in the same folder as condition.transaction) to get the output path
Method getLatestFileName, get latest generate file name
We will read conditions_version.conf to get it
Method getNewFileName, calculate new file name with version number
We will calculate it by the current time and store the version information to conditions_version.conf, then convert this file to conditions_version.js
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Tooling extension