Extending : Data type extension : Implementing data type extension : Implementing a widget to display a type
Implementing a widget to display a type
A simple data type can be integrated with the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) XUI editor. This means that when a field of a specific type is selected, such as the dataName field of the TextBox widget, the XUI editor automatically generates a widget for this type. For example, if the Date type field is chosen, a DateTextBox widget is automatically generated as the presentation widget. A technical developer must implement a presentation widget for the simple type that has been defined.
A technical developer must do the following three steps to register and implement a presentation widget for a new simple data type:
Extend the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit JSP tag handler for the TextBox widget
Modify bttdojo.tld
JavaScript implementation
Extend the UDTT JSP tag handler for the TextBox widget
Modify bttdojo.tld
JavaScript implementation
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Implementing data type extension