Extending : Data type extension : Data type extension for Tooling
Data type extension for Tooling
This extension implements customized data types into tooling, such as Constant selection list of Expression Editor.
By default, UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides String, Number, Boolean and NULL type and data for Constant Editor (includes ECA and Mapping), Global Function and Common Condition at tooling.
For this, UDTT provides flexible extension support to enable customer create new specific data type at project level. And all the new data types can be used like above native data type. This can reduce the efforts of data input and validation for beta developer.
This extension requires two basic fields: how to create new data type for tooling and how to use it in the above scenarios.
Note This new data type is used for only tooling part and is different from the data type created in Implementing data type extension.
For reference, we will provide a sample of extending DateTime and Char for tooling. Please download the sample code:
<div class="Body"><a href="DataTypeExtensionGuideforTooling.zip" target="_blank">DataTypeExtensionGuideforTooling.zip</a></div>
How to create a new data type
How to use the new extended data type
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Data type extension