Extending : Naming convention extension : Extending naming conventions by registering a new naming convention rule : Creating a naming convention rule at the system level
Creating a naming convention rule at the system level
1 Create a new bundle file with a .properties extension in a plug-in project, for example namingextension.properties.
2 Edit a naming convention rule in the file.
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3 Open the plugin.xml file. Add a new extension point, com.ibm.btt.tools.common.naming, and then add a rule for this extension point.
4 In the Extension Element Details panel, enter the following information:
In the Bundle field, enter the path of the bundle file that you created in step 1. Do not enter the .properties extension in the Bundle field.
In the Priority field, specify the priority of this extension.
If the extension point is registered by multiple plug-ins, the extension with the higher priority is invoked by UDTT. A UDTT default naming convention rule is registered as low priority; therefore, the customized naming convention rule should be registered as medium or high priority.
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Extending naming conventions by registering a new naming convention rule