Extending : Pagination extension
Pagination extension
If a grid contains massive data, it will be an expensive operation to retrieve all data at once. Because the operation will consume a large number of memory and network bandwidth to store and transfer the data. UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides pagination support on both browser-side and server-side. So massive data can be separated into multiple parts, and each part can be retrieved at different time.
If “isPageable” attribute of a grid widget is selected as true, the UDTT pagination function will be enabled, and grid attributes for pagination are required for definition.
At runtime, when one of pagination widgets is selected in browser, an Ajax pagination request will be sent to the server side. And then UDTT server operation will retrieve the data according to pagination parameter and send back to browser.
On server side, UDTT invokes two server operations to handle a pagination request:
Technical pagination operation
Technical pagination operation is implemented by UDTT or technical application developers. The operation is responsible for:
Retrieving and handling pagination parameters from request.
Chaining business operation context to processor context.
Invoking business pagination operation
Mapping data between business operation context and processor context
Handling exception
Business pagination operation
Business pagination operation is implemented by functional application developer. The operation is responsible to retrieve business data according to pagination parameters
The following diagram demonstrates the relationship of technical pagination operation and business pagination operation.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Extending technical pagination operation
Registering customized technical pagination operation
Pagination parameters