Extending : Processor editor extension : Extending the Processor editor
Extending the Processor editor
To create a Processor editor object, technical developers must define the object in a .xml file, and then register the object in the Palette Registry as a plug-in extension. The object will then be displayed in Palette view of the Processor Editor, and can then be dragged into the Processor editor.
The process of creating a Processor editor object and enabling it for use in the Processor editor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
For more information on how to extend the Processor editor by creating a Processor editor object, refer to the following sections.
Creating a configuration file for a palette object
Registering a palette object
Creating and registering an object mapping file
Creating and generating a property generation rule
Implementing a state at runtime
Creating and registering a global function
Creating editor objects by dragging and dropping items
NLS support
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Processor editor extension