Extending : Processor editor extension : Extending runtime processor : Extending a flow processor
Extending a flow processor
The DSEProcessor class extends the DSENotifier class and implements the Processor and the Externalizable interfaces.
The class diagram
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Technical developers must extend the com.ibm.btt.automaton.htmlDSEHtmlProcessor class to customize the flow processor behavior for the HTML channel, or extend the com.ibm.btt.automatonDSEProcessor class for other channels.
After extending the UDTT default processor implementation, technical developers must register the new implementation in the class table of the btt.xml file and replace the original implementation class with the new implementation class. For example, for an HTML flow processor, the definition shown here:
<field id="htmlProcessor" value="com.ibm.btt.automaton.html.DSEHtmlProcessor" />
should be replaced with the new implementation class, for example:
<field id="htmlProcessor" value=“com.ibm.btt.alphasample.automation.html.AlphaHtmlProcessor" />
After the new implementation class has been registered, the extended process class is used by the toolkit to handle the flow at runtime.
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Extending runtime processor