Extending : Web service extension : Web services Tool Extension : Providing ID Mapping During SDO Generation
Providing ID Mapping During SDO Generation
For Web services integration in a UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) project, technical Functional developer needs to produce a self-defined operation to invoke related server operations. As a SDO artifact, the associated data definition is derived from the input/output messages of the chosen Web services operations automatically.
All the data in the generated SDO has the local accessibility and follows the default naming convention. But sometimes for the purpose of high re-usage rate of global data definition in a UDTT application, the automatic data generation logic could be in intervened by project extension. And in other word, Infrastructure developer could extend the pre-defined extension point to indicate the data link reference between SDO and global data dictionary.
Preparing tool extension environment
Adding extension definition for target extension point
Configuring extension details
Implementing name mapper interface
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Web services Tool Extension