Extending : Web service extension : Web services Runtime Extension : Web services Runtime Overview : Web services Connector
Web services Connector
Web services connector takes the responsibility to communicate with web services provider. It covers the implementation details such as creating service delegate object, reflecting the requested operation, configuring the invocation properties. In UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™), there are two different sets of code to support JAX-RPC and JAX-WS specification. And the latter one is the default one because it is compatible for the former one.
Besides, web services connector implements UDTT service interface that makes developers can use it like a standard UDTT service object. So the web services connector instance can be configured by XML and instantiated to use alone by codes like ‘readObject (String serviceName)’. Certainly, web services connector can be created and edited by UDTT Transaction Editor.
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Web services Runtime Overview