Extending : Web service extension : Web services Runtime Extension : Extending WS Handler and WS Connector
Extending WS Handler and WS Connector
Developers could use handlers to inject additional logics into the message flow during UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) Web services invocation, for a variety of purposes such as capturing and logging information and adding security or other information to a message.
1 The handlers registered into application level are supported by both JAX-RPC and JAX-WS. But for JAX-WS, handlers could also be plugged into runtime by annotation or code. The handlers registered into runtime will be used by handler resolver who is provided by UDTT Web services runtime.
2 The extension for WS handlers is always implemented together with WS connector extension. So this chapter uses a sample to cover the extension guide for both of these two components.
Result: In the sample, there is a guide about how to print the SOAP messages transferred during the invocation. Actually, Infrastructure developer could follow similar steps to manipulate the inbound and outbound messages, such as adding SOAP header or encrypting messages.
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Web services Runtime Extension