Extending : Widget extension : Using the table rendering feature of table widget : Table generation rules
Table generation rules
The table generation rules define the features that are supported by simple grid table widget. When the widgetType property of a table widget is Auto, if all features of that table widget are included in the table generation rules, simple grid table widget is used. Otherwise, full grid table widget is used.
The default table generation rules are defined in the toolkit_root\plugins\tooling\com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2_8.2.0.3\configure\table-generate-rule.json file. Refer to the following code sample of the file.
"simple_grid_except_propertis": [
"simple_grid_except_dynamic_properties": [
"simple_grid_supported_events": [
"simple_grid_supported_functions": [
There are four sections in the table-generate-rule.json file.
Except for the properties in this section, all static widget properties that can be defined in the Properties tab are supported by simple grid table. Remove the code from this section for simple grid table widget to support the corresponding property.
Except for the properties in this section, all dynamic widget properties that can be defined in the ECA editor are supported by simple grid table. Remove the code from this section for simple grid table widget to support the corresponding property.
The ECA events in this section are supported by simple grid table. Add the code to this section for simple grid table widget to support the corresponding event.
The ECA functions in this section are supported by simple grid table. Add the code to this section for simple grid table widget to support the corresponding function.
For more information on the corresponding features of the codes for table widget, see Table.
If you want to change the default table generation rules, you must build a plug-in for the customized table generation rules to work in a higher priority than the default rules, and then change the rules in the plug-in. For more information on how to build the plug-in, see Creating customized table generation rules.
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Using the table rendering feature of table widget