Extending : Widget extension : Widget extension samples : Compound widget to bind kColl data : Extending in Runtime
Extending in Runtime
Create a UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) Project for runtime code implementation. Please download the sample code from:
1 Create a widget layout template "CurrencyWidget".html in “\WebContent\js\com\ibm\btt\dijit\templates”.
2 Create javascript file “CurrencyWidget.js” in runtime project directory “\WebContent\js\com\ibm\btt\dijit\”, which includes single widget loading, display, data layout and submit logic.
3 Create javascript file “CurrencyColumnWidget.js” in runtime project directory “\WebContent\js\com\ibm\btt\dijit\”, which includes the widget loading, layout and sorting logic in table column.
4 Create java file “src\com\ibm\btt\dojo\alphatest\tag\DojoCurrencyWidgetTag.java”, which will handle the data submit logic in channel level.
5 Create java file “src\com\ibm\btt\dojo\alphatest\tag\DojoCurrencyWidgetTableTag.java”, which will handle the CurrencyWidget logic in table column.
6 Update bttdojo.tld.
Add new tag “currencywidget” below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Update column tag class as below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
7 Update template, add two new javascript files:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
8 Prepare the list file for widget as the selected data source, for example: currency.js
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
9 Prepare keyedcollection data which will binding to CurrencyWidget, it should have two simple data element named “currency” and “amount”.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Compound widget to bind kColl data