Installing : Installing the UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit : Installing the UDTT development environment : Installing the UDTT IDE into an existing Eclipse IDE
Installing the UDTT IDE into an existing Eclipse IDE
In UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) Version 10.1 and later, you can use a UDTT update site to install the UDTT IDE into a supported version of another Eclipse IDE (see System requirements).
1 If you do not already have an existing Eclipse IDE, download and install Eclipse (2022-03) or later, see Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developer is the recommended package.
2 From the Eclipse menu. click Help > Install New Software.
3 In the Install dialog, click Add.
4 In the Add Repository dialog, click Archive, navigate to where the UDTT update site ( is located, and click OK.
5 Click Next and then click Next again to accept the license.
6 Click Finish to start the installation.
The UDTT IDE and all relevant third-party plug-ins are installed into the Eclipse IDE.
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Installing the UDTT development environment