Runtime tools : Channels components : Key features : Concepts : Components for realizing multichannel support : Request handler
Request handler
A request handler processes requests from a specific channel driver, and determines the request data to construct the operations from the channel context. A request handler is instantiated by the channel handler the first time the device accesses the specific channel and is registered in the handler registry. A request handler has the following responsibilities:
1 Processes the request to establish the session should the particular channel require any integration with the application.
2 Processes the request to perform an application operation for the specific channel.
3 Determines the appropriate presentation handler from the channel handler in the handler registry in order to render the results back on the client.
The abstract class, which implements the interface, provides the base functionality of a request handler to use with the toolkit, and is intended to be extended for new channel implementations.
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Components for realizing multichannel support