Runtime tools : Channels components : Key features : Reference : Multichannel support exceptions
Multichannel support exceptions
The toolkit provides the following exception classes that pertain to multichannel support:
Multichannel support exceptions
DSENoRegisteredDeviceType Exception
A problem occurred when attempting to obtain the device type from the User-Agent.
Action: Ensure that the device type has an entry in the toolkit server btt.xml file.
DSENoRegisterRequestHandler Exception
A problem occurred when attempting to obtain the request handler for a specific device type.
Action: Ensure that the device type has a valid request handler in the toolkit btt.xml file.
DSENoRegisteredPresentation HandlerException
A problem occurred when attempting to obtain the presentation handler for a specific device type.
Action: Ensure that the device type has a valid presentation handler in the toolkit btt.xml file.
The server has not been successfully initiated.
Action: Initiate the server again using the initiateServer() method.
DSECSSessionNotEstablished Exception
The session cannot be established or the session has expired.
Action: Verify that the session is initiated and that the TCP/IP communications between client and server are active. Try to establish the session again.
Verify that the channel session cookie support is in sync with the servlet engine cookie support implementation.
The C/S request API was not used properly.
Action: Depends on the exception message:
Session has not been established. Establish the session and retry.
Session is already established. The establishSession() method cannot be used, because the session is already established.
Session is being closed. Wait until the session is successfully closed.
Server was already initiated. The initiateServer() method cannot be used, because the server is already started.
Server was already stopped. The stopServer() method cannot be used because the server has already stopped.
DSECSServerServiceAlready ExistException
A CSServer instance already exists.
Action: Use the already existing instance, or reset it and create a new one.
Problems when executing the remote operation.
Action: Look at the message associated with the exception for more information, and fix the problem.
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