Runtime tools : Channels components : HTML Channel
HTML Channel
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides a set of features and mechanisms that support an HTML-based graphical user interface (GUI) that is presented in a Web browser using an HTTP connection. An HTML-based GUI may be particularly appropriate for implementing home-banking applications, but it may also be used in commercial environments including teller, call center, and branch sales environments.
The HTML Channel provides the following functionality:
HTML/HTTP implementation of the multi-channel support architecture
Business process flow control
Backward HTML page navigation
Duplicate request handling
NLS (through selectable JSP sets)
HTML form field value validation and cross-field validation
Error and exception handling
The following diagram shows the relationships between the HTML Channel objects discussed in this section and in other sections:
Diagramshowing the relationship between HTML Channel objects
The multichannel support that is provided by enables a standardized way of handling messages between the server-side toolkit application and the client-side user interface. HTML Channel uses and extends this functionality to enable an HTML-based user interface to send requests to and receive responses from a toolkit application using the HTTP protocol.
An HTTP session must be established for the connection between the application server and the HTML browser on the client machine. This HTTP session is associated with an HTML client session by the multichannel support implementation. This common session is then associated with its own toolkit context. The HTML client session context holds the data that will be affected by the user's interaction with the GUI presented in the HTML browser. For additional information, refer to Session management.
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Channels components