Runtime tools : Channels components : AJAX channel
AJAX channel
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides an AJAX channel to enable you to create interactive applications.
In traditional web applications, a whole web page must be reloaded for information on the web page to be updated even if the information that requires updating is small. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is a technology that enables web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging a small amount of data from the web page with a server. This means that a web page and back end data can be updated without requiring the entire page to be reloaded.
In the HTML channel, only one HTML request is processed at a time. However, the AJAX channel provides a better user experience by enabling two or more AJAX requests to be executed concurrently. For example, if two AJAX requests are raised at the same time on a page, one to query a customer account list and another to retrieve a customer bank list, both requests can be executed at the same time.
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Channels components