Runtime tools : Channels components : SMS handler : Overview of SMS handler architecture
Overview of SMS handler architecture
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The UDTT SMS Channel Handler uses HTTP or HTTPS interface to receive SMS messages from gateway and send SMS messages to gateway. SMS Handler configuration file is an XML file based on the UDTT element factory to support different SMS gateways customization. When customer sends a request to the system using an SMS text message from the mobile phone, for example:
FT payer payee $100
Then the message is processed by the UDTT SMS Channel Handler as following steps:
1 Inbound Message Handler handles the incoming message from gateway, decodes, and transforms the message information into the UDTT Channel Context which is shared within channel handler.
2 Request Handler checks the channel policy to determine whether the request is permitted or not.
3 If the request is permitted, the request handler parses the channel context data and determines the UDTT operation to be called in Operation Execution Task according to the SMS Commands abstraction in SMS handler configuration file; if the request is not permitted, the operation will not be called, and a predefined message is sent to notified the user.
4 If the request is rejected by channel policy, the presentation handler processes the Channel Policy Exception.
5 If the request is permitted, the presentation handler returns HTTP response for inbound request.
6 The Operation Execution Task invokes a Java thread from thread pool to run the UDTT Operation. (The operation implementation should set the reply message in an operation context data filed named SMSConstant.REPLYMSG)
7 After operation is executed over or catch exception, the Response Handler will be called.
8 The Response Handler processes the normal reply and exception, determines the destination phone number from channel context, and call Outbound Handler to send reply SMS message.
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SMS handler