Runtime tools : Channels components : UDTT Web Service : Client side: using the web service
Client side: using the web service
The third party uses UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) as client side.
You can directly use BTTWSServiceHandlerProxy. There is no need to generate a client.
BTTWSServiceHandlerProxy proxy = new BTTWSServiceHandlerProxy(
HashMap<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>();
m.put("dse_operationName", "TestClientPostDataOp"); // call the operation by web service
m.put("testRecord.TestField", "hello world!"); // pass parameters in request
m.put("testList.0.TestField", "hello world, I am the first TestField in testList." + i); // pass parameters in request
HashMap<String, Object> filterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // filter data from server side and only leave necessary data, such as testRecord
filterMap.put("testRecord", "");
The third party does not use UDTT as client side.
Use UDTT provided WSDL to generate Proxy and then call Proxy as the codes above.
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UDTT Web Service