Runtime tools : Channels components : Single action EJB : Concepts : Predefined methods for single action EJBs
Predefined methods for single action EJBs
To support toolkit processes within WebSphere Application Server, the StatefulSingleAction and StatelessSingleAction provide the following methods:
Accessing CHA contexts
Accessing the Formatter
Accessing the toolkit services
Initializing a remote call
Locating the corresponding session CHA with the session CHA context instance ID
Creating the CHA context for the Single Action EJB
Chaining the CHA context to the session CHA
Finalizing a remote call
Unchaining the CHA context for the Single Action EJB
Removing the CHA context from the memory and the database
Providing exception handling
Providing mapping between CHA contexts and response data
When you create a Single Action EJB, extend the super class StatefulSingleAction or StatelessSingleAction. This saves you from coding for the methods mentioned above.
Refer to the Javadoc for details about the BaseSingleAction methods.
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