Runtime tools : Core components : Data elements : Reference : Data element external definitions
Data element external definitions
Data elements have the following definitions externalized in the data definition file:
<iColl> tag attributes
The name of the indexed collection instance.
A description of the indexed collection.
To indicate what the data is, an input, output or input&output data. There are two values:
Input: to indicate the data is an input data.
Output: to indicate the data is an output data.
These two check boxes are optional. If the data can be used as input&output, both check boxes must be checked.
When changing the value of a flag, this value will be propagated to all inner elements. So, if some parent data has a value unchecked, all inner elements will have this option disabled. On the other hand, if the flag value is checked, all inner elements will have it enabled and checked, although the user can check/uncheck it.
An additional parameter for the collection. This is a subtag that you can use to add parameters or override values of existing ones. The param has an id attribute that contains the name of the parameter and the value attribute contains its value.
<kColl> tag attributes
The name of the keyed collection instance.
A description of the keyed collection.
To indicate what the data is, an input, output or input&output data. There are two values:
Input: to indicate the data is an input data.
Output: to indicate the data is an output data.
These two check boxes are optional. If the data can be used as input&output, both check boxes must be checked.
When changing the value of a flag, this value will be propagated to all inner elements. So, if some parent data has a value unchecked, all inner elements will have this option disabled. On the other hand, if the flag value is checked, all inner elements will have it enabled and checked, although the user can check/uncheck it.
A boolean that identifies whether the collection dynamically adds a data element when a setValue(String, Object) method is invoked and the specified element does not exist. The default value is false.
An additional parameter for the collection. This is a subtag that you can use to add parameters or override values of existing ones. The param has an id attribute that contains the name of the parameter and the value attribute contains its value.
<refData> tag attributes
A reference to a data element defined in the same file. This is the only linkable tag for data elements. See Tag linking for more information.Tag linking
To indicate what the data is, an input, output or input&output data. There are two values:
Input: to indicate the data is an input data.
Output: to indicate the data is an output data.
These two check boxes are optional. If the data can be used as input&output, both check boxes must be checked.
The refData element has the same direction value as the referred data by default, although the user can change it.
When a refData composites an element such as kColl, the input/output flags of its subelements are only checked when the input/output flags of the refData and the subelement are the same.
This property should be checked to support circular reference. For example, assuming a refData of dataA references to dataB, then define a refData of dataB references to dataA and this is a circular reference. The refData of dataB should be checked 'Lazy'. When referencing the data itself, it would be automatically checked.
An additional parameter to refer to a data. The value of param can override the value of refId.
<field> tag attributes
The name of the field.
A description of the data field.
To indicate what the data is, an input, output or input&output data. There are two values:
Input: to indicate the data is an input data.
Output: to indicate the data is an output data.
These two check boxes are optional. If the data can be used as input&output, both check boxes must be checked.
The value of the data represented by the field.
An additional parameter for the collection. This is a subtag that you can use to add parameters or override values of existing ones. The param has an id attribute that contains the name of the parameter and the value attribute contains its value.
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