Runtime tools : Core components : Contexts : Reference : Context external definitions
Context external definitions
The following table shows the tags (corresponding to classes) and tag attributes (corresponding to class variables) used for externalizing Context objects in the toolkit contexts definition file:
<context> tag attributes
Identifies the context instance. This attribute provides access to the data. This is a linkable tag.
Identifies the class used to represent the context. The type attribute allows several contexts of the same type to be part of the contexts structure. For example, there can be two operational mode contexts: one for real operations and the other for operator training. This is a linkable tag.
Determines what happens when the context's keyed collection is dynamic and the toolkit needs to add a data element to the keyed collection.
When this attribute is false (the default value), the setValueAt method, when invoked, searches the context tree for the first element that matches the key. If the method finds the element, it modifies the value. If it does not find the element, it dynamically creates the element in the current context.
When this attribute is true, one of the following happens:
If the element does not exist in the keyed collection of the context, the toolkit adds a DataField to the keyed collection. The toolkit obtains the DataField's name from the key parameter of the setValueAt method. The toolkit obtains the DataField's value from the value parameter of same method.
If the element already exists in the keyed collection of the context, the toolkit overwrites its value without checking whether the element exists in contexts higher in the context tree.
<refKColl> tag attributes
Contains a reference to a keyed collection. This is a linkable tag.
<refType> tag attributes
Contains a reference to a keyed collection defined as a Type in the types definition file. This is a linkable tag.
<iniValue> tag attributes
Identifies the data field to be initialized. This is an optional tag. If you use it, you must define it inside a refKColl tag or a refType tag.
Contains the value of the data field.
<refService> tag attributes
Contains a reference to a service. This is a linkable tag.
Identifies the service type.
Contains the alias of the service instance.
For information about linkable tags, see Tag linking.
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