Runtime tools : Core components : Typed data : Tasks : Extending a predefined type
Extending a predefined type
You can create a new data type by extending a predefined data type.
1 In the Enterprise Explorer pane, right-click the type.xml file, and then click Open with > UDTT Transaction Editor.
The Transaction editor opens with the four predefined data types displayed in the Type panel.
2 Right-click in the Type panel of the Transaction editor, and then click New Child > Field Type.
3 In the Id field of the Detailed Information panel, enter a name for the data type. Press Enter.
Entera name for the new data type in the Id field of the Detailed Informationpanel.
4 Specify a descriptor for the data type.
In the Type panel, right-click the new data type, and then click New Child > descriptor.
Right-click the new data type and then clickNew Child, descriptor.
The Type Descriptor Creation Dialog window opens.
In the Type Descriptor Creation Dialog window, select Choose Type Descriptor from local classpath, and then click Browse.
The Select Class window opens.
In the Select Class window, select Click OK. In the Type Descriptor Creation Dialog window, click OK.
In the Id field of the Detailed Information panel, enter typeDefault.
In the RefType field of the Detailed Information panel, click the Browse icon to select a predefined type. Do not change or enter values for all the other fields in the Detailed Information panel.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
5 Specify a converter for the new data type.
In the Type panel, right-click the descriptor of the data type you are creating, and then click New Child > Convertor.
The Type Convertor Creation Dialog window opens.
In the Type Convertor Creation Dialog window, select Choose Type Convertor from local classpath, and then click Browse.
The Select Class window opens.
In the Select Class window, select one of the following classes, and then click OK.
If the type is a subset of the String type, select
If the type is a subset of the Date type, select
If the type is a subset of the Number type, select
If the type is a subset of the Currency type, select
In the ConvTypes field of the Detailed Information panel, enter default.
6 Create conversion parameters for the data type.
Right-click the converter of the new data type, and then click New Child > param.
In the Id field of the Detailed Information panel, enter a name for the converter.
In the Value field, specify the value to which the typed data should be converted.
7 Specify a validator for the new data type.
In the Type panel, right-click the descriptor of the data type you are creating, and then click New Child > Validator.
The Type Validator Creation Dialog window opens.
In the Type Validator Creation Dialog window, select Choose Type Convertor from local classpath, and then click Browse.
The Select Class window opens.
In the Select Class window, select one of the following classes, and then click OK.
If the type is a subset of the String type, select
If the type is a subset of the Date type, select
If the type is a subset of the Number type, select
If the type is a subset of the Currency type, select
8 Create validation parameters for the data type.
Right-click the validator of the new data type, and then click New Child > param.
Specify values in the Id field and the Value field.
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