Runtime tools : Core components : Operations : Concepts : How operations work
How operations work
The following process describes how operations work:
1 An operation requester requests to start an operation. The requester can be a service, Java client, an HTML client, or some other client.
2 The toolkit instantiates the operation, initializes the operation's context, and, if specified to do so in the operation definition, chains the operation context to its parent in the context hierarchy.
3 The requester invokes the execute method of the operation. The execute method contains the operation flow.
4 The operation performs its operation flow, which may include invoking one or more operation steps. These steps may execute a service request, execute another operation, perform data validation, fire events, and so on. For more information on the process for executing a client/server operation, see Client/Server operation process in the Java Connector documentation.
5 When the operation flow finishes, the requester can still perform any tasks that use the operation data and services contained in the operation context.
6 The requester invokes the close method of the operation to free the operation resources.
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