Runtime tools : Core components : Operations : Reference : Operation step external definitions
Operation step external definitions
The following tables show the tag attributes used for externalizing operation steps.
<opStep> tag attributes for an operation step that directs the flow according to the results of an action
The name of the operation step. This is a mandatory attribute.
The name of the action to perform based on the value returned by operation step. The value can be the name of another operation step or one of the following keywords:
next - Execute the next operation step.
return - End the execution of operation steps.
The name of the action to perform if the number returned by the operation step does not have a corresponding on<number>Do definition. The default value is "next"
<opStep> tag attributes for a comparison operation step (CompareAssertion)
The name of the operation step, which is "compare" for this type of operation step. This is a mandatory attribute.
The action to perform if the comparison returns 0 (true). The value can be the name of another operation step or one of the following keywords:
next - Execute the next operation step.
return - End the execution of operation steps.
The action to perform if the comparison returns 1 (false). The value can be the name of another operation step or one of the following keywords:
next - Execute the next operation step.
return - End the execution of operation steps.
The name of the first data element to be compared.
The name of the second data element to compare to the first data element.
The type of comparison the operation step is to perform. The values are:
equal - The value in the first data element is equal to the value in the second data element.
less - The value in the first data element is less than the value in the second data element.
greater - The value in the first data element is greater than the value in the second data element.
lessEqual - The value in the first data element is less than or equal to the value in the second data element.
greaterEqual - The value in the first data element is greater than or equal to the value in the second data element.
<opStep> tag attributes for an existence check (ExistsAssertion)
The name of the operation step, which is "exists" for this type of operation step. This is a mandatory attribute.
The action to perform if the comparison returns 0 (true). The value can be the name of another operation step or one of the following keywords:
next - Execute the next operation step.
return - End the execution of operation steps.
The action to perform if the comparison returns 1 (false). The value can be the name of another operation step or one of the following keywords:
next - Execute the next operation step.
return - End the execution of operation steps.
The name of the data element to be checked.
A boolean that indicates whether to reverse the result of the check. That is, if this attribute is true and the result of the check is true, the value returned by the check is false. The default value is false.
<opStep> tag attributes for a number of elements check (NumOfElementsAssertion)
The name of the operation step, which is "elements" for this type of operation step. This is a mandatory attribute.
The action to perform if the comparison returns 0 (true). The value can be the name of another operation step or one of the following keywords:
next - Execute the next operation step.
return - End the execution of operation steps.
The action to perform if the comparison returns 1 (false). The value can be the name of another operation step or one of the following keywords:
next - Execute the next operation step.
return - End the execution of operation steps.
The name of the data element to be checked.
The size to compare against the number of elements in the data element.
The type of comparison the operation step is to perform. The values are:
equal - The number of elements in dataElement is equal to the value of the size tag attribute.
less - The number of elements in dataElement is less than the value of the size tag attribute.
greater - The number of elements in dataElement is greater than the value of the size tag attribute.
lessEqual - The number of elements in dataElement is less than or equal to the value of the size tag attribute.
greaterEqual - The number of elements in dataElement is greater than or equal to the value of the size tag attribute.
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