Runtime tools : Core components : UDTT definition description : Global settings configuration
Global settings configuration
A UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) application defines the environment in which it runs by setting the externalized configuration files. The following are the default and recommended configuration items:
<field id="initializer" value="" />
This class is responsible for initializing all settings configurations. The class is packaged in bttcore.jar.
<field id="modularity" value="mixed" />
Defines where the system can find the operation definitions.
If the value is Grouped, all the operations are defined in the operation.xml file.
If the value is Split, all the operations are defined in self-defined operation files.
If the value is Mixed, the operations are defined either in operation.xml or in self-defined operation files.
<kColl id="paths">
  <field id="entities" value="fromJAR" />
  <!--field id="entities" value="./" /-->
  <!--field id="entities" value=""/ -->
  <!--field id="entities" value="c:\btt\definitions"/-->
This collection sets the location of the definition files. The location can be an absolute path, a relative path, an HTTP address or fromJAR, which indicates that the files are in JAR files. The value="fromJAR" is the default configuration mode.
<field id="showProgressBar" value="no" description="Showing the progress bar when reading the XML files. Default value is: no" />
This class is responsible for showing the progress bar when reading the XML files. The default value is no.
<field id="bufferSize" value="200000" description="The size of the buffer used to read the XML files, unitage is kb"/>
This class defines the size of the buffer, which is used to read the XML files. The unitage is k bytes.
<field id="queueBufferSize" value="20" description="The size of the queue buffer stores the events handled by the automation" />
This class defines the size of the queue buffer, which is used to store the events handled by the automation.
<kColl id="initialization" description="Startup Process Parameters, class and method to start the application. Used by the Startup class during the startup process. Enable cache for formatters and operations.">
<field id="enableFormatsCache" value="false" />
<field id="enableOperationsCache" value="true" />
<field id="enableProcessorsCache" value="true" />
<field id="sessionAffinity" value="false" />
<field id="sessionPersistence" value="false" description="Set the session persistence of server" />
<field id="shareDataDescriptors" value="true" />
Startup Process Parameters clause defines the class and method used to start the application. They are used by the Startup class during the startup process, such as enabling the object cache for formats, processors, and operations by setting the value of the appropriate field in the initialization keyed collection, and sharing data descriptors for typed data.
<kColl id="WorkArea">
<field id="usingWorkArea" value="false" />
<field id="location" value="iiop://localhost:2809/" />
<field id="jndiName" value="java:comp/websphere/UserWorkArea" />
<kColl id="EJB">
<field id="InitialContextFactory" value="" />
<field id="location" value="iiop://localhost:2809/" />
WorkArea and EJB clauses are deprecated for Single Action EJB use only. As a result, the default configuration does not provide them.
<kColl id="externalizerAccessors" description="Collection for externalizer accessors, default configuration from BTT">
<field id="type" value="" />
<field id="data" value="" />
<field id="context" value="" />
<field id="format" value="" />
<field id="service" value="" />
<field id="operation" value="" />
<field id="processor" value="" />
<!-- User can extend customerized externalizerAccessors class-->
<!--field id="ExtendProcessor" value="com.xxxbank.client.processor.ProcExternalizerAccessor"/-->
This is collection for externalizer accessors. The default configuration is provided.
<kColl id="timeZone">
  <field id="enableTimezone" value="true"> </field>
  <!-- field id="defaultTimezone" value="1"> </field-->
enableTimezone parameter is a switch to enable timezone variable. The default value is false to be compatible with V8.0. defaultTimezone is an optional parameter to enable the defualt timezone for current system.
<field id="paginationFirstPageLoad" value="server" />
This class controls the behavior for loading the first page of paginated tables. To improve performance, in the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit V10.0.0.0 and the UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit V8.2.0.3 and later, the default behavior for loading the first page is on the server side without Ajax requests. You can configure this behavior by changing the value of this class:
Set value="client" to load the first page on client side with extra Ajax requests.
Set value="server" to load the first page on server side without Ajax requests.
Note If this class is not present or contains incorrect value, the first page is loaded on server side without Ajax requests.
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UDTT definition description