Runtime tools : Core components : UDTT definition description : Trace configuration
Trace configuration
Trace can isolate problems and debug code either during the application development phase or in runtime. Default configuration items for trace include the following:
<field id="initializer" value="" />
This class is responsible for initializing all trace configurations. The class is packaged in bttcore.jar.
<field id="traceTargetFactoryImplClass" value=""/>
This class defines that the Trace to WAS type is selected. The traceTargetFactoryImplClass defines the specific trace implement class. By default, there are four different trace types provided by the toolkit:
Trace to WAS
Trace to File
Trace to Common Logging
Trace to Display
<field id="traceTargetFactoryImplClass" value=""/>
<field id="traceFileName_WhenTraceToFile" value="c:\bttlog.txt"/>
The trace type is defined to Trace to File. The configuration item traceFileName_WhenTraceToFile defines the file name and location of the file when tracing. Absolute path is required.
<field id="traceTargetFactoryImplClass" value=""/>
The trace type is defined to Trace to Common Logging. The package of the common logging is required for the project, such as log4j.jar.
<field id="traceTargetFactoryImplClass" value=""/>
<field id="font" value="monospaced"/>
<field id="displayNumberOfLines" value="2000"/>
<field id="linesOfBuffer" value="7000"/>
<field id="lineLength" value="200"/>
The trace type is defined to Trace to Display.
font is the display font.
displayNumberOfLines is for the number of lines.
linesOfBuffer is the buffer size of each line.
lineLength is the length of each line.
<field id="traceLevels" value="INFO" description="Global trace level" />
Sets the global trace level for the toolkit. The selected options are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG.
<kColl id="requestersComponents">
Defines trace detail configuration items for component of package. The tag traceRequester is the keyword.
<traceRequester id="*" trace="yes" traceLevels="INFO" />
The suggested mode is by package. The tag traceRequester is the definition keyword for each traced package. The tag id defines the package to be traced. The tag traceLevels defines the specific trace level of this package.
<traceRequester id="#CHA" trace="yes" traceLevels="INFO" />
The compatible mode is by component. The tag traceRequester is the definition keyword for each traced component. The tag id defines the component to be traced. The tag traceLevels is for the specific trace level of this component.
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UDTT definition description