Runtime tools : Core components : UDTT definition description : Processor configuration
Processor configuration
A processor is a representation of a particular route through a business process or business operation. The flow reflects the results of performing different actions and responding to system-generated events within the business process.
<field id="initializer" value="" />
The class is responsible for initializing all processor configurations. The class is packaged in bttcore.jar.
<field id="extFile" value="processor.xml" description="The recommended location is under same folder of btt.xml"/>
The extended file contains the processor definitions for the application. By default, the extended file is in the same folder with btt.xml.
<kColl id="classTable">
The classTable contains a collection of definitions for processor keywords and their implemented class. Those definitions can be added and removed from the collection. Only those definitions in the classTable collection could be used to define its processor in extended file.
<field id="processor" value="" />
<field id="opProcessor" value="" />
<field id="state" value="" />
<field id="transition" value="" />
<field id="htmlProcessor" value="" />
<field id="htmlState" value="" />
<field id="htmlTransition" value="" />
<field id="operationState" value="" />
<field id="syncProcState" value="" />
<!-- The XUI processor is an application flow on the client side. It is a rich client component to support flow navigation in XUI and data sharing among the navigation pages.-->
<field id="xuiProcessor" value="" />
<field id="xuiState" value="" />
<!-- Action -->
<field id="check" value="" />
<field id="start" value="" />
<field id="executeSubflowAct" value="" />
<field id="executeOperationAct" value="" />
<field id="executeXuiSubflowAct" value="" />
<!-- Conditions -->
Depending on the result of the guard conditions associated with an action, the flow of the process can be changed. The following table shows which flow modifiers an action can use:
<!-- <conditions>
<cond1 onTrue="continue" onFalse="skipAction"/>
<cond2 onTrue="continue" onFalse="skipAllActions"/>
<cond3 onTrue="continue" onFalse="skipConditions"/>
<cond4 onTrue="continue" onFalse="abortProcess"/>
<cond5 onTrue="continue" onFalse="execAndChangeState(stateId)"/>
<cond6 onTrue="continue" onFalse="changeState(stateId)"/>
</conditions> -->
<field id="cond1" value="" />
<kColl id="files" description="Self-defined processor file path">
The tag files contains all of self-defined processors.
The toolkit allows you to define processors in two locations. You can define the process in the toolkit processor definition file, processor.xml or in an independent XML file. Processors defined in an independent file are self-defined processors. There is no difference between a self-defined processor and a non-self-defined processor in terms of the implementation result. The self-defined processor file can also contain definitions for the contexts and formats that the processor requires. It can also contain more than one processor definition.
<procDef id="newProcDef" value="/xxbank/selfdefinedProc/html/openAccountProc.xml"> </ procDef>
The entire path and processor file name should be provided as value.
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UDTT definition description