Runtime tools : Core components : UDTT definition description : BTTInvoker configuration
BTTInvoker configuration
BTTInvoker is a Method-Level-based invocation service which supports POJO, EJB, Web Service, JMS and synchronized invocation.
<field id="initializer" value="" />
The class is responsible for initializing all invoker configurations. The class is packaged in bttinvoker.jar.
<field id="extFile" value="invoker.xml" description="The recommended location is under same folder of btt.xml"/>
The extended file contains the invoker definitions for the application. By default, the extended file is in the same folder with btt.xml.
<kColl id="classTable">
The tag classTable contains a collection of definitions for invoker keywords and their implemented class. Those definitions can be added and removed from the collection. Only those definitions in the classTable collection can be used to define its invoker in extended file.
<field id="POJO" value="" description="POJO invoker is designated to invoke the method of Plain Old Java Object." />
<field id="EJB" value="" description="EJB invoker is designated to invoke the method of Enterprise Java Bean." />
<field id="WSProxy" value="" description="BTT invoker calls the proxy generated by WAS or RAD or WID. Through the proxy mode, BTT invoker WSProxy supports JAX-RPC, JSR109, AXIS and JAX-WS." />
<field id="WSDII" value="" description="Web service Invoker Interface (DII) invoker aims to provide a simple and generic way for BTT to invoke different external Web services." />
<field id="JMS" value="" description="JMS invoker is used to send and receive JMS message." />
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UDTT definition description