Runtime tools : Core components : UDTT definition description : Channel handler configuration
Channel handler configuration
Multichannel support enables UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) to accept input from different devices and then dispatch the output to the devices. As a result, the same implementation for a business function can be reused, regardless of the communication protocols that are used.
<field id="initializer" value="" />
The class is responsible for initializing all channel configurations. The class is packaged in bttchannels.jar.
<kColl id="devices">
<field id="Opera" value="html" description="contains" />
Value is one of defined channel names.
Description="contains" means that the match mode is contains, which is a keyword for business logic.
<kColl id="web2_xml" description="Web 2.0 client and use xml as data format">
Describes the configurations of web 2.0 client and XML is used as the data format.
<field id="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
Means that the encoding setting is UTF-8.
<field id="runInSession" value="true" />
Specifies whether the session management is used.
<field id="cookies" value="true" />
Specifies if the session is maintained by WebSphere Application Server.
If the value="true", the session is maintained by WebSphere Application Server.
If the value="false", the session is maintained by the toolkit provided management internally.
<field id="requestHandler" value="" />
Class is the toolkit-provided implementation for the request handler.
<field id="presentationHandler" value="" />
Class is the toolkit- provided implementation for presentation handler.
<field id="processor" value="" />
Class is the toolkit-provided implementation for message processor.
<field id="requestContext" value="XmlChannelContext" />
<field id="dataFormatter" value="XmlChannelFormatter" />
<field id="requestContext" value="XmlChannelContext" />
<field id="dataFormatter" value="XmlChannelFormatter" />
<field id="replyContext" value="XmlReplyContext" />
<field id="replyFormatter" value="XmlReplyFormatter" />
<field id="sessionReplyContext" value="XmlSessionReplyContext" />
<field id="sessionReplyFormatter" value="XmlSessionReplyFormatter" />
The attributes requestContext, dataFormatter, replyContext, replyFormatter, sessionReplyContext and SessionReplyFormatter are used to define the request data structures.
<kColl id="web2_json" description="Web 2.0 client and use JSON as data format">
Describes that the configurations of web 2.0 client and JSON are used as data format.
<field id="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
Means that the encoding setting is UTF-8.
<field id="runInSession" value="true" />
Specifies whether the session management is used.
<field id="cookies" value="true" />
Means that the session is maintained by WebSphere Application Server.
If the value="true", the session is maintained by WebSphere Application Server.
If the value="false", the session is then maintained by toolkit-provided management internally.
<field id="requestHandler" value="" />
Class is the toolkit-provided implementation for the request handler.
<field id="presentationHandler" value="" />
Class is the toolkit-provided implementation for presentation handler.
<field id="processor" value="" />
Class is the toolkit-provided implementation for message processor.
<field id="requestContext" value="JSONChannelContext" />
<field id="dataFormatter" value="JSONChannelFormatter" />
<field id="replyContext" value="JSONReplyContext" />
<field id="replyFormatter" value="JSONReplyFormatter" />
<field id="sessionReplyContext" value="JSONSessionReplyContext" />
<field id="sessionReplyFormatter" value="JSONSessionReplyFormatter" />
The attributes requestContext, dataFormatter, replyContext, replyFormatter, sessionReplyContext and SessionReplyFormatter are used to define the request data structures.
<kColl id="WEB2Client" description="Web2 client">
  <field id="startUpOp" value="CreateSessionOpStep" />
describes the client side configuration of web2.0 channel.
<kColl id="html" description="html channel settings">
Describes the configurations of html channel.
<field id="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
Means that the encoding setting is UTF-8.
<field id="runInSession" value="true" />
Specifies whether the session management is used.
<field id="cookies" value="true" />
Means that the session is maintained by WebSphere Application Server.
If the value="true", the session is maintained by WebSphere Application Server.
If the value="false", the session is then maintained by toolkit-provided management internally.
<field id="requestHandler" value="" />
<field id="requestHandler" value="" />
<field id="presentationHandler" value="" />
<kColl id="HTMLClient" description="html client settings">
Describes the client side configuration of html channel.
<field id="filePath" value="/btt/html/" >
A file path is relative to the Web application server default Web path. The Web resources (typically JSP files) is obtained from this path.
<field id="errorPage" value="errorpage.jsp" />
<field id="homePage" value="signin.jsp" />
The attributes errorPage and homePage are used to define the html client side files.
<field id="startUpOp" value="startUpHtmlSessionOp" description="The startup operation to create session context, provided by user" />
The name of the operation is executed by CSEstablishSessionServlet when called by the Web browser client.
<field id="minRequestResubmitTime" value="0" description="Used to suppress duplicate requests from the client browser." />
Suppresses duplicate requests from the client browser and specifies the minimum amount of time in seconds that is allowed between request submissions from a given HTML page for an HTML channel session (effectively, from a particular Web browser). If the client user posts again from a page within the specified time, only the first request will be processed and the other posts will be responded to with a message and the result of the first one. This field is an optional field. It defaults to a value of zero second.
<field id="monitorState" value="close" description="To enable the web monitor function, need to set the value to open for the field monitorState. "/>
means that you need set the value to open for the field monitorState to enable the web monitor function.
<field id="monitorPath" value="RuntimeMonitor/" description="Used to configure the path of library resources of the web monitor. "/>
Configures the path of library resources of the web monitor.
<kColl id="java" description="java channel settings">
Configures the Java rich client channel. The Java Client/Server Messaging APIs (C/S Messaging APIs) connect a server-based toolkit business application to a Java client. The Java channel provides functionality that allows the distribution of business process logic and enables the development of distributed applications over networks.
<field id="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
Means that the encoding setting is UTF-8.
<field id="runInSession" value="true" />
Specifies whether the session management is used.
<field id="cookies" value="true" />
If the value is true, the session is maintained by WebSphere Application Server. If the value is false, the session is then maintained by toolkit-provided management internally.
<field id="requestHandler" value="" description="The requestHandler is an extension of the standard requestHandler to be used with the sample application only" />
The configuration specifies the device request handler to perform the integration with the application.
<field id="presentationHandler" value="" description="The requestHandler is the standard in the toolkit" />
The configuration specifies the device presentation handler to provide the information to the client.
<kColl id="mobile" description="mobile channel settings">
  <field id="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
  <field id="requestHandler" value="" description="BTT mobile request handler" />
  <field id="presentationHandler" value="" description="BTT mobile presentation handler" />
  <field id="startUpOp" value="startUpMobileSessionOp" description="The startup operation to create session context, provided by user" />
The describes the configurations of mobile channel. It facilitates the multichannel integration with HTML Channel, Rich Client Channel and Web 2.0 Channel.
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UDTT definition description