Runtime tools : Core components : Initialization manager : Reference : Sample for Settings configuration
Sample for Settings configuration
Following is the code sample for settings configuration:
<kColl id="Settings"
<!-- Settings -->
<!-- BTT application defines the environment in which it runs. -->
<!-- It does this through settings externalized a pair of configuration files. -->
<field id="initializer"
value="" />
<!-- Determines where the system can find the operation definitions: -->
<!-- Grouped: all operations are defined in the operation.xml file. -->
<!-- Split: all operations are defined in self-defined operation files. -->
<!-- Mixed: either in operation.xml or in self-defined operation files. -->
<field id="modularity" value="mixed" />
<!-- This collection sets the location of the definition files. -->
<!-- The location can be an absolute or relative path, an HTTP address, -->
<!-- or "fromJAR" to indicate that the files are in JAR files. -->
<kColl id="paths">
<field id="entities" value="fromJAR" />
<!--field id="entities" value="./" /-->
<!--field id="entities" value=""/ -->
<!--field id="entities" value="c:\btt\definitions"/-->
<field id="showProgressBar" value="no"
description="Showing the progress bar when reading the XML files. Default value is: no" />
<field id="bufferSize" value="200000"
description="The size of the buffer used to read the XML files, unitage is K bytes" />
<field id="queueBufferSize" value="20"
description="The size of the queue buffer stores the events handled by the automation, unitage is K bytes" />
<kColl id="initialization"
description="Startup Process Parameters, class and method to start the application. Used by the Startup class during the startup process. Enable cache for formatters and operations.">
<field id="enableFormatsCache" value="false" />
<field id="enableOperationsCache" value="true" />
<field id="sessionPersistence" value="false"
description="Set the session persistence of server" />
<field id="sessionAffinity" value="false" />
<field id="enableProcessorsCache" value="true" />
<field id="shareDataDescriptors" value="true" />
<kColl id="externalizerAccessors"
description="Collection for externalizer accessors, default configuration from BTT">
<field id="type"
value="" />
<field id="data"
value="" />
<field id="context"
value="" />
<field id="format"
value="" />
<field id="service"
value="" />
<field id="operation"
value="" />
<field id="processor"
value="" />
<!-- User can extend customerized externalizerAccessors class-->
<!--field id="ExtendProcessor" value="com.xxxbank.client.processor.ProcExternalizerAccessor"/-->
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