Runtime tools : Core components : Externalizers : Concepts : Runtime definition updates : How reset works in processor externalizers
How reset works in processor externalizers
The reset process for the processor externalizers can update their tags in memory using an updated file, add definitions if they do not exist, and remove definitions from memory. The modularity of the processor determines whether the definitions in memory are generic or self-defined and which type of file you would use to reset the definition. The following tables summarize what happens when you reset a definition. In the tables, def1 is the definition in memory and def1' is the updated definition. A hyphen indicates no definition.
Results of the reset process on updating a definition for a processor
Generic definition in memory
Self-defined definition in memory
Updated file for generic definition
Updated file for self-defined definition
Reset action
Updates def1 in the generic definitions if the toolkit modularity is grouped or mixed.
You cannot have a generic definition in memory when the processor has a split modularity.
Updates def1 in the self-defined definitions if the processor modularity is split or mixed.
You cannot have a self-defined definition in memory and in a grouped configuration.
Results of the reset process on adding a definition to a processor
Generic definition in memory
Self-defined definition in memory
Updated file for generic definition
Updated file for self-defined definition
Reset action
Adds def1 in the generic definitions if the processor modularity is grouped or mixed.
Throws an exception if the modularity is split because def1 does not exist in the self-defined definitions stored in memory or in a file.
Adds def1 in the self-defined definitions if the processor modularity is split or mixed.
Throws an exception if the processor modularity is grouped because def1 does not exist in generic definitions stored in memory or in a file.
Results of the reset process on deleting a definition from a processor
Generic definition in memory
Self-defined definition in memory
Updated file for generic definition
Updated file for self-defined definition
Reset action
Deletes def1 in the generic definitions if the processor modularity is grouped or mixed.
You cannot have a generic definition in memory when the processor has a split modularity
Deletes def1 in the self-defined definitions if the processor modularity is split or mixed.
You cannot have a self-defined definition in memory and in a grouped configuration
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Runtime definition updates