Runtime tools : Core components : Externalizers : Tasks : Resetting a type definition
Resetting a type definition
The following procedures describe how to use the reset process to modify an existing type definition, add a new one, or remove a type definition.
To modify a type definition in runtime
1 Update the type definition in the types externalized file.
2 Call the reset method of the types externalizer and provide the ID of the updated type as a parameter.
This step takes the current type instance with the specified ID and modifies it according to the new type definition.
Note The only type attribute that you cannot change in this process is the id attribute, which would mean you are replacing the type with another one and not just modifying it.
To add a new type definition in runtime
1 Add the new type definition to the type definition file.
2 Call the reset method of the type externalizer and pass the ID of the new type as a parameter. The ID cannot match the ID of any existing type. If it does, the reset method throws an exception.
This process creates a new Type instance and adds it to the list of types. This type is available to create typed data element instances with the DSEType readObject method.
To remove a type definition in runtime
1 Remove the type definition in the types externalized file.
2 Call the reset method and pass the ID of the type to be removed.
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